"five women performed “Spanish Dance,” a short, goofy piece created in 1973. In a recent interview, dancer Tamara Riewe, who’s one of the performers in this work, said she enjoyed Brown’s sense of humor in her dances. That’s definitely true here. The piece begins with one dancer shuffling seductively in time to Gordon Lightfoot’s “Early Morning Rain” sung by Bob Dylan. The dancer dances alone until she bumps into another dancer, who then mimics the movements of the woman behind her. Then the two dancers dance the same moves until they bump into the third dancer and so on. A lot of choreographers could learn a lot from this piece. Mainly, it’s funny and it’s short. Three minutes of this was amusing; 28 minutes probably would have seemed like an eternity."
I will keep watch for a video of this performane fromt he wold renowned dance company.