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Old 11-01-2008, 03:07 AM   #1
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Default You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Hey guys this thread idea came on a lark (wait a minute , what the He88 is a "lark",anyway; tseeer, BRB...) OK - you're gonna LIKE THIS definition for a Lightfoot thread...this is GREAT:

1. North American yellow-breasted songbirds.NOPE
2. Small songbirds resembling larks.NOPE
3. Any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing. - mildly of interest if looked upon in a flattering way...still not the usage I mean, a hehe
4. Any carefree episode. YES ! Carefree Highway ! lol

I knew that all along when I used that word for this new thread that JUST out of nowhere, listening to GL, went 'blink' -LighheadBULB-ON- !

Here's the deal, short and saaweeet ! I'll start, with no rules, no rights or wrongs, and'll see by context 'tseeer:

You know you're a seriousLightfoot Fan if you: OK HERE WE GO WITH OUR FIRST:

1. You're listening to a custom-compilation on your computer, and a given song is nearing the end. and you automatically start hearing in your head the next song in proper order from the original ALBUM - not your compilation ! Then, of course, the wrong song plays, you look up, sensing imminent doom. ..somethings...wrong...then you realize.. and smile.

-THATS what just happened to me right now, and is what sparked the idea for this thread. It was so strong, the sense that I know the next song is -smirk of knowledge- (...................), and it wasn't 'cause mine are extracted from various albums, in any number of logical ways to suite my tastes and ways, as are I'm sure, yours.

My compilation was favourite -outdoorsy songs- , and 'Gotta Get Away' was wrapping-up with the Loon warbling (?), and of course, I the next song was of course, 'Whispers of the North', ingrained in my subconcious by years and years of listening to album-orders, even if only memories from the pre-programmable CD "LP days"!

2. You've just finished loading the (used to be a Station Wagon -Now - SUV), tarped and tied down all acoutrements and are ready to get-in and leave for the Great American family vacation , and you deftly palm a handful of say, 12 Lightfoot CD's, so the wife does not see, or your kid(s), but your wife can ALWAYS tell by your furtive behaviour, and she says "I know you are holding about 20 Lightfoot CD's.... I like it too, just PLEASE... let me listen to ( ), ( ),& (Johnny Cash) as well !

And then from the backseat, your kid(s), chimes in sensing collaboration with the alpha female "YEA Dad...... I wanna listen to (tweeny bubble-gum cr88) "OK,OK, a little of that here and there. Then you look at your wife and say "remember the rule we agreed; driver picks the music" - to which she responds deftly, inarguably, and logically, "Well, thats fine if we both drive the same amount, but you know , you as the man are always 'protecting' us by driving on vacations , especially.'Well, thats cause your such a good navigator , honey *smarmy smile*. "That line isn't gonna work Mister D...actually- you fear my map-reading like an Agnostic holding the original Dead-Sea Scrolls, about to start a fire and needing some tinder under"

YOU WANNA ADD SOME ?, 1,2,3 OR MORE ? AD-HOC, WHENEVER, I'd get a real kick out of hearing your things that distinguish us as Lightfoot fans - and I know, there ARE soooo

Even if no else has fun with this, I'm gonna !!!!

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 11-01-2008, 04:42 AM   #2
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
You know you're a seriousLightfoot Fan if you:
spend an inordinate amount of your life perusing, and posting to, Corfid.
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Old 11-01-2008, 04:54 AM   #3
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Thanks Ron, good true, so true...excellent catharsis it is indeed. And you can only recognize that amount of time by virtue of being on-line yourself that long 2, making us both serious fans ! Perfect ! Thanks for helping kick-it off (the thread)! lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 11-01-2008, 07:52 AM   #4
Jesse Joe
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

When July 1st comes along, and you think of a good day for "Gordon Lightfoot Day" when it's actually Canada Day ! !
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:32 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jesse Joe View Post
When July 1st comes along, and you think of a good day for "Gordon Lightfoot Day" when it's actually Canada Day ! !

Jesse Joe,

That is what I'm talkin' about. hilarious Jesse - do Some Canadian's actually slip and call it that, especially now that he is on a stamp ?

Here's another:

You know you are a serious Lightfoot fan if you have ever had a friend or family member on the phone, and said "here, just listen to this over the phone, we'll do a ten-second sound check, you tell me how the sound/volume is, and I'll play the whole song for you. It'll really cheer you up, (or make you feel better, or (_______________) " - and actually hold the phone mouthpiece to the speakers on either your PC speakers, or your stereo you've attatched

I have done this, when she lamented (at age 83), that "all beautiful music has stopped being made, the Henry Mancinis are gone, The Bing Crosby's are gone, the Perry Comos...... (and I picked out for here a couple old rarities from '63 on Chateau, and played the cross between Perry Como, ED Ames, and Gentleman Jim Reeves - Gord singing the beautiful "Adios" love song. I put her back on at the end, as she's crying - and says "That is so beautiful.....oh my... that realy takes me back... I didn't think anybody sang like that anymore......Oh I just miss Russ, thats all. -sniff-,

wait a minute Mom, cheer up. how about a laugh or two? - And I put on "Daisy Doo" - and at the end - I say "Isn't that hilarious ? Its great ! I guess he does not like them anymore, but its fun isn't it?" and 83-yr old Mom says, unbelievably "Hey, thats funny for Gordon, but you know what? That is REALLY SWINGIN' " - verbatim, I kid you not, I tried to muffle dieing laughing, she is such a cute and vibrant older *real* lady....."Yes,Mom, its "swingin", isn't it ? Kinda catchy, huh ?

And you do this for your mother, a friend, a shut-in, on the phone...until they are laughing, or crying in appreciation, or just got a hoot out of it, ot said, as Mom has also 'My Goodness that young Man has a WONDERFUL voice, in that absolutely beautiful song.... I didn't know anybody had any talent like that anymore" - and you played either IYCRMM, or CRT, or Your Love's Return, someting prosaic for her...... thats part of my 'serious fan' biz - I use Gordon as therapy for others to cheer them up.....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:51 AM   #6
Jesse Joe
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Yes for sure Steve, every CANADA DAY I think it's really GORDS DAY.

And I have made my family and others listen to something on the phone that Gord has said in an interview, or in concert after the first song, ie: "Hey give me some sound will you man ? I cant hear anything"...

To me he sounds so , but to most of them it doesn't mean much...

I sometime think, hey it's not there fault, they simply are CRAZY !!!

Last edited by Jesse Joe; 11-01-2008 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:54 AM   #7
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

You know you are a serious Lightfoot fan if the only way you can remember dates is by Gord's album release dates.

Chronology In Lightfoot Units

Gord’s music has not only been the soundtrack of my life but also the chronometer or perhaps calendar of my life...or maybe a book of life. His albums seemed to add “bookmarks” to the various events I’ve lived through. When someone asks me for the date of some occurrence in the book of my life, I use the release dates of Gord’s albums as bookmarks to separate out the chapters.

Teen Years - ‘Back Here On Earth’ (1968)
-good God, that’s pre-Woodstock & pre-Moon Landing

Went to Quebec City to ‘Summer side of Life’ and met my future wife there (1971) . I still cringe at the nightly TV updates on U.S. casualties in Vietnam.

University Years had a soundtrack of ‘Old Dan’s Records‘, ‘Don Quixote’ (1972), ‘Sundown’ (1973) and ‘Cold On The Shoulder’ (1975). Crammed for exams between spins of the vinyl. Second time I saw Gord perform live was at my university’s alumni hall.

Watergate scandal happened to the tune of ‘Cold On the Shoulder’ so it must have been 1975.
(Little did we know that the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975 would inspire Gord’s writing on ‘Summertime Dream’ a year later.)

Bought ‘Summertime Dream’ the week it came out - at Sam’s flagship store while visiting friends in Toronto the so it had to be 1976.

Menachem Begin & Anwar Sadat signed the legendary Camp David peace accord to the tune of ‘Endless Wire’ so they must have done that in 1978. Graduated University to ‘Endless Wire’.

The U.S. Olympic hockey team defeated the Soviet Union Team at Lake Pacid. Must have been 1980 because I recall ‘Dream Street Rose’ playing around that time.
Canoed the Missinaibi in 1980 because I just happened to be playing ‘On The High Seas’ the morning I drove through Hornepayne Ontario.

Was writing resumes in London Ontario to the tune of ‘Shadows’ and got my first serious job in Toronto a few months later. Had to be 1982 because I always associate those two events with that album.

Lots of Canoeing around the ‘Salute’ album, particularly the Albany, Mississagi, Kamiskotia, French & Spanish Rivers. Had to be around 1983! I’m sure Gord penned ‘Whispers of the North’ to keep me company on those northern rivers!

I got married in 1986 as ‘East of Midnight’ was spinning that year. I recall leaving work for downtown Toronto and a huge billboard of Gord in his white EofM suit was staring down over Yonge Street.

Started a new job after buying ‘Gord’s Gold II’ so I guess that year was 1988

‘Waiting For You‘, ‘Songbook’ etc. etc. Lots more examples, but you get the drift.

‘Harmony’ kept me company when my mom died in 2004
(we almost lost Gord a couple of years earlier)

And….the individual songs are yet another index of events in my life! If Gord is the book, the albums are the chapters of events and the individual songs are the pages of emotions.

Perhaps my days are numbered as Gord’s not releasing any ‘new’ albums. Might be time to find a requiem or a dirge. What a thought - The clock keeps ticking away….
("the river is the melody, the sky is the refrain")
Canoeing -
Luthery -
Bugs! -
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Old 11-01-2008, 08:18 PM   #8
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when the studio albums arent enough and you start collecting crap-sounding live recordings!
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Old 11-01-2008, 09:38 PM   #9
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Lord I do the first one all the time. If I hear a Lightfoot song on the radio late at night, the next tune on the album starts playing in my head - and I get annoyed at the next song that's playing on the radio station, lol. Where is that "all Lightfoot, all the time" radio station when you need it? Surely there must be an internet site for niche music.

If I'm in a checkout line at the grocery store and Gord's voice comes over the speakers I take my time putting my groceries on the counter. And hum along.

I play 11 and 17 on the roulette wheel (reminder - get those birthday cards written and ready to mail!)
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:51 PM   #10
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when nobody could get my 6-month old grand-daughter to stop crying, I could by playing Alberta Bound, her favorite song. The bass gets her to calm down every time but nobody would believe it until they saw it work in an instant. Second best infant soothing song: Sit Down Young Stranger. Same reason, the bass. From the Songbook, which tape is always running in the car.

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Old 11-02-2008, 01:24 AM   #11
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Hello corfid comrades in

I won't be overly-solicitous of every post as IF I needed to "answer" each one in an attempt to be hospitable and friendly; but unintentionally give the mistaken impression of "monitering" , or "hosting" the thread either - I know this one is different,and if you all will allow it w/o offense; I'd like to sit back and just read, and enjoy....

Once in awhile, if it lasts, whatever amount is very enjoyable allready..... I will poke my yap in and comment on one or two that move me or strike a chord so close to my thoughts as a fan; or some SO FUNNY, as it could very well be as I envisioned many answers COULD be....

Or, very heart-warming; life-chronicling as it seems so many of us have had, and currently still have, as a far more priceless and accurate timepiece than a certified Swiss Chronometre from the finest micro-craftsmen's hands (there is a name for those watchmakers... no matter this post) in corrolating his music in album/song/verse with a moment in our lives, or stage as the case may be especially when very young.

Its for just such feeling of community and fellow experiential listeners that do in fact mark time or chronology at either the macro or micro scale, that I post a "reply" in a way to echo the "oh man I feel just that way" - about several....frankly all or almost all !

But I'd never forage upon or "stand on the shoulders" of each well expressed and heart-felt, or humourous post as a rote expression of unintentional patronization, as in "good job Plumber Joe !" you don't need that nor would you appreciate it.

But if you don't mind, I would like to comment on those that particularly strike a note in common with me in any profound way, or otherwise grab me by the yangs... as I imagine many of you will want to do as well.... so much the better....


As is the case with, for just a start or 2 of appreciative comments on your posts:
Yuri - really hit home on this one, home-run out of the park to me... :

Yuri Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If... WOW...yes....

Note: Italics, color, bold, etc are empASIS of mine, with your permission Yuri ?
Chronology In Lightfoot Units
Note: *Partial quote only*

Gord’s music has not only been the soundtrack of my life but also the chronometer or perhaps calendar of my life...or maybe a book of life. His albums seemed to add “bookmarks” to the various events I’ve lived through. When someone asks me for the date of some occurrence in the book of my life, I use the release dates of Gord’s albums as bookmarks to separate out the chapters.

Teen Years - ‘Back Here On Earth’ (1968)
-good God, that’s pre-Woodstock & pre-Moon Landing
- yes July 20 1969 Apollo 11 day after my Birthday watching the moon-landing on my grandmothers venerable RCA while on vacation and Dad trying not to thing about NASA - work... it still grabbed him inextricably... yes....
And later - tied "retro" - but still linked as an E/R relationship - 'Too Many Clues in this Room' - whe he turned down the Manned program in favor of the unmanned -Viking,Mariner, OAO, Helios, Pioneer, Surveyor, Voyageur...etc. Yes!

Holy cow..yes Yuri.. I am at a loss for words... ( go ahead peanut gallery

And one more Yuri in a similar vane to one of yours very personal indeed; I was falling in love with Merry on our 4th date the day I bought DSR, at a small college-town main drag mini-strip mall (y'know- 4 -6 narrow specialty stores) that I remembered as an alum of Colo St U; those little 'record stores' R all but gone....went home after date, & inhaled it- notably 'Make Way for the Lady' - you can do it my son...... SO germane to that DAY it was I was fearful from what happened in a previous relationship...and was at a tug-of-war with myself....but THAT SONG rang true.. and 30 years later - it was more than serendipitous.

You know Yuri, I'll bet, in a back-formation of that precept, I'll bet one could listen to, or watch a movie of an event-filled life - and score it, not chronologically (hard as a 3rd-person endeavour?), but one which is Apropos for the events "on the screen" - tied perhaps recently & literally, or metaphorically to a song or verse..... Man-o-man Yuri what U said is so true of my life as well.... short read:I agree, & me 2 ! Thanks.....
Auburn-Annie - U 2 Huh ? lol....arrrggh aggravating at times, disorienting at others momentarily, as if there had just been an equatorial shift,
Jesse Joe I gotta say, as a cartographer speaking for a moment, my choices of germane color, font, and textsize et al has been surpassed by you in your 'shimmering gold' - font.....most impressive - could have used that ONCE on ONE word this post very appropriately, which is my goal, not show-boating - as I am sure yours is as well, indeed, never-the-less, despite our functional reasons for color et al, You win ! ...pssst where did you find

Joveski - I'd go for 'em now too.... I am getting that desperate feeling, I am close to retaining Radio-Shack to wire an $11 9v hard-wired 2-station intercom with any concert of Gord's within 500 miles....lots of wire you say and impedance ?? I **2 R loss ? lol yes... but I am a cheap SOB
Thanks for sharing even more guys.... I am amazed, but not really surprised at the similarities on principle at least, of our oft-cited coincidence-or-what? song-event relationships, and others cited -whether profound, profane, or Patriotic lol - they all are so easy to picture vicariously as happening to me too, or have !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 11-02-2008, 07:39 AM   #12
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...every other song you attempt to compose ends up sounding almost exactly like a pre-existing GL tune (for some reason not evident until final playback)

yeah, there's a fine line between 'influence' and 'plagiarism''re mom's a doll, steveo....does she like not like Buble?
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Old 11-02-2008, 08:54 AM   #13
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Originally Posted by jj View Post
...every other song you attempt to compose ends up sounding almost exactly like a pre-existing GL tune (for some reason not evident until final playback)

yeah, there's a fine line between 'influence' and 'plagiarism'
Good one. It can also be depressing to find out that you've inadvertently stolen a melody. I always go with the George Harrison defense : It was a subconscious mistake.
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:48 AM   #14
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How about rearranging the CDs at the music store by putting Gord's out in front.
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Old 11-02-2008, 12:22 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by TC View Post
How about rearranging the CDs at the music store by putting Gord's out in front.

I did that many times.
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Old 11-02-2008, 12:27 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by sunshine View Post
when nobody could get my 6-month old grand-daughter to stop crying, I could by playing Alberta Bound, her favorite song. The bass gets her to calm down every time but nobody would believe it until they saw it work in an instant. Second best infant soothing song: Sit Down Young Stranger. Same reason, the bass. From the Songbook, which tape is always running in the car.
I remember Gord telling Peter Gzowski, about a child in Iqualawit, that could not stop crying or fall asleep. And when they played Lightfoot CD's the child went to sleep.

He said so we would get right on one like that... sending more Cd's.
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Old 11-02-2008, 01:46 PM   #17
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Hi Jesse Joe, I'm not familiar with Peter whom you refer to. Peter with the crying baby.
marijuana dispensary

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Old 11-02-2008, 03:20 PM   #18
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1. You persue the legal channels for getting all his
LP release dates & birthday declared paid holidays!

2. You buy all of his albums multiple times,in every available format.

3. You own the cover versions of his songs by every artist to have done so.

4. You name your children after him...even the girls! LOL!!

5. You have custom made wall-paper with his image for your house-hold walls.
(That's what walls are for! LOL! )

6. You want to fist fight anyone who says,Gordon "who"? Lol!!

7. You only take vacations to Alberta & Ontario Canada,Christian Island,Biscayne Bay and the "No Hotel."

8. You actually believe you look and sound exactly like him in every way.

9. (Ladies) You believe he's singing "Beautiful" just for you in concert.

10. You drive up & down Carefree Highway in Phoenix,AZ..thinking you'll see him at any moment! LOL!

11. Most importantly,you discovered you had better taste in music than you realized.
"A knight of the road,going back to a place where he might get warm." - Borderstone

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Old 11-02-2008, 04:04 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by sunshine View Post
Hi Jesse Joe, I'm not familiar with Peter whom you refer to. Peter with the crying baby.
Peter Gzowski was the interviewer, and the child that could not fall asleep was from Iqualuit. Peter didn't know about this until Lightfoot told him the story in that interview on CBC TV some years ago.
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Old 11-02-2008, 04:14 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Borderstone View Post
1. You persue the legal channels for getting all his
LP release dates & birthday declared paid holidays!

2. You buy all of his albums multiple times,in every available format.

3. You own the cover versions of his songs by every artist to have done so.

4. You name your children after him...even the girls! LOL!!

5. You have custom made wall-paper with his image for your house-hold walls.
(That's what walls are for! LOL! )

6. You want to fist fight anyone who says,Gordon "who"? Lol!!

7. You only take vacations to Alberta & Ontario Canada,Christian Island,Biscayne Bay and the "No Hotel."

8. You actually believe you look and sound exactly like him in every way.

9. (Ladies) You believe he's singing "Beautiful" just for you in concert.

10. You drive up & down Carefree Highway in Phoenix,AZ..thinking you'll see him at any moment! LOL!

11. Most importantly,you discovered you had better taste in music than you realized.
Interesting list here Borderstone,

I can admit that I have done the # 2.

When I was younger # 8.
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Old 11-02-2008, 08:40 PM   #21
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Ok - this is too funny. For many years I have put GL Cds out front at the music section of any store I'm browsing through. I thought I was the only one ,and needed therapy!! Maybe I still do....

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Old 11-02-2008, 09:26 PM   #22
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I had lamented on a previous thread about how current music trends are destroying the ‘Album’ concept through individual “pick and choose” downloads, The process also deprives the listener of cover artwork and liner notes which undeniable complement the musical experience. There was nothing like spinning some new vinyl, crashing on the couch, studying the artwork and reading the credits on the liner notes over & over as the music played. The CD still offered this pleasure although it was limited to those with perfect eyesight or aging hippies with strong diopter eyeglasses. Not so with downloads, even if the musician has a webpage. Far too sterile!

With the option to purchase individual tunes by downloading codes you cheat yourself of the complete musical experience. In my opinion, works created by a musician, artist or novelist, should be experienced as the artist intended - in the whole, complete and in their entirety. Where few would choose to buy only certain chapters of a novel, the trend is now is to buy only those tunes that immediately appeal to the listener. In doing so the tunes can be added or stored in any order and at any time. Continuity is lost and the album is no more!

Steve (geodeticman) stated that when ‘Gotta Get Away’ is ending his mind is already anticipating ‘Whispers of the North’. I’m the same and suspect it is that way with most Corfidians. When the order is changed we stop and wonder what’s wrong with the universe….

Also, Steve shared with us -
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post

I was falling in love with Merry on our 4th date the day I bought DSR, at a small college-town main drag mini-strip mall (y'know- 4 -6 narrow specialty stores) that I remembered as an alum of Colo St U; those little 'record stores' R all but gone....went home after date, & inhaled it- notably 'Make Way for the Lady' - you can do it my son...... SO germane to that DAY it was I was fearful from what happened in a previous relationship...and was at a tug-of-war with myself....but THAT SONG rang true.. and 30 years later - it was more than serendipitous.
Even though I’ve followed Gord for almost four decades, I too remember where and under what circumstances I bought many of his albums Yet another bookmark in my life.
….and for Borderstone & Jesse Joe, although I don’t have any 8-tracks, I also updated my collection with every format of Lightfoot’s works that I could find. I even have a K-Tel pressing of his songs which I purchased in Orillia Ontario while returning home from a canoeing trip.

(I think Gord paid off his Rosedale mortgage on what I spent on albums!)

I have memories associated with buying each album - towns I was in, finding treasures in stores, and enjoying the physical album as well as the music once home. I think that youngsters today are missing this experience. Adding one more downloaded tune to a smorgasbord of files in some random order just doesn't seem as rewarding. Does anyone remember where, when and with who they were with when they downloaded an MP3 code?

Just my opinion, Yuri
("the river is the melody, the sky is the refrain")
Canoeing -
Luthery -
Bugs! -
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Old 11-03-2008, 12:31 AM   #23
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Someone says they're from Canada and to make conversation you bring up Gordon...and if he or she ISN'T a fan you see them as having no ear for music and, furthermore, traitors to their country!
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Old 11-03-2008, 12:45 AM   #24
Join Date: May 2000
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

Originally Posted by Brian Drescher View Post
Someone says they're from Canada and to make conversation you bring up Gordon...and if he or she ISN'T a fan you see them as having no ear for music and, furthermore, traitors to their country!
We have a special, little known section of Canadian law for that exact infraction...
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Old 11-03-2008, 11:03 AM   #25
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Default Re: You Know You Are A Serious Gl Fan If...

OK guys I have a longer post (even for me) - that if I wait til I edit it to

nearly no-error status- I'll never make it I wanna post 10

new songs in lyrics fa(atics)as well, so if you'll permit me, there are some

thoughts here 'I wanna get down on blue' (corfid skin)(actually astutely-

chosen, because as a backdrop skin - it causes strong color, or in any event

brightness or hue to 'jump' off the page - especially red next to white - red

jumps up and to the left - its tru ! - I know I've stated this before, but I

never considered my own very statement of the phenom being most profound

on blue backdrop- especially on glass monitors "CRT's" - or blue glossyhard

copy eg maps).

So here is...what may take 2 posts due to 10,000 character restrictions (to

protect you from loquacious louts like me) - some thoughts on some very

thoughtful posts you've guys have penned since my last post....especially

Yuri - once again has outdone himself in expressing what I have tried many

times to, in a literate way that reads so engagingly for a firsst-person

read...which is hard by definition....others might express that his way is SO

literate in manner that he is 'erudite' in his means of comport of his nealry

omniscient Lightfoot-engendered feel for the deeply ingrained way so many

of us have Lightfoot stored in our memroy... .....well apllied here, overused

elsewhere, formerly by myself included....

I try not 2 lately, buy it fits here.... and all your comments are a real fun

read...thanks. And again thanks for pimarily putting up with my poor

editing/grammar/spelling and LENGTH of this post. I gotta nip in the bud a

new habit - I write heartfelt posts that invariably wind up long, and require

time to edit - and I save them to a temp file for edit later,,and there they

sit. -I have no less than 20 such files I could fill a thread with called "Steve's

potpourri' here is is mine frm last night when I should have been posting

10 new Q's in lyrics - I gotta get around more in corfid and absorb more of

your guys stuff that I attempt to point out here: I am at least rtying to make

it easier to read in ONE way - by double spacing to save your eyes....

OK -oooOOOPS oh yeah its 16,00 characters, si I'll post it in its shameful

unedited state in two files back to back...and is not mean to catch or

comment everyone's posts, and in doing so being unintentionallyover-

solicitous as I have said... only when one strikes a note or funny bone in

particular... I'm not "hosting" this in any way, only wishing to enjoy it in the

same fashin you guys seem tobe so far....Char
as always will moderate if necessary- but I DOUBT it will

be - its not a game with rules to apply equitably- she may censor

my ...uhm....
all hot

and botherd description of my favourite for common

decency in a family

anyway, part 1 of 2

Yuri, with

you permission, I'd like to add a few thoughts to a 'paired-

down' abridged quote of your last post if OK by - I'll plead

forgiveness lol....

Note: my internal references in 'shallow water-cyan blue'

- by a fellow canoeist('er)

Originally Posted by Yuri;145024....<SNIP>...“pick and choose” downloads, ...

<SNIP>....[/COLOR].... Far too sterile!.....


With the option to purchase individual tunes by downloading

codes <SNIP> Continuity is lost and the

album is no more! (See FOOTNOTE *2)

Steve (geodeticman) stated ...<SNIP>.... order is changed we

stop and wonder what’s wrong with the universe….

MUCH the same as I lamented with "equatorial shift - even pole

shift ! lol (See FOOTNOTE *3) - ..'HAB Theory'..

Even though <SNIP>....... I too remember where and under what

circumstances I bought<SNIP>....
....<SNIP>...don’t have any 8-tracks, I also updated my

collection with every format of Lightfoot’s works....<SNIP>.....

Q for format on a few ? by me (See FOOTNOTE *4)

.....<SNIP>....paid off his Rosedale mortgage.......

($ for me)<SNIP>..... (format Q's on a few ? -

Songbook?) (See FOOTNOTE *4)

I have memories associated with buying each album <SNIP> ... I

think that youngsters today are missing .........<SNIP>........

in some random order just doesn't seem as

rewarding......<SNIP>....(comment by me as to

preceeding) (&a few more similar 4 me) (See FOOTNOTE *4)

Just my opinion, Yuri



pertaining to Yuri's many


*1- Funny you

know, I am a dinosaur, in the sense that

I have never downloaded a song yet, except for the

'playlist' function in MySpace(d)
- I

grow....fatigued (as Khan would say) MySpace

only for personal reasons - I know so many enjoy it, I am

finding it cloying, me-isms, and to 'structued' for genuine

self-expression - despite the admirable effort to provide a

venue for just matter

- I can't 'burn' those 'playlist' songs to a disc,

taken on faith as such - as I have not tried...
but they are

said to be proprietary limited to use etc

so I have yes- downloaded that much-needing an

edit - but none other I could burn without remorse - are there

such Gord tunes you CAN ?

WHEN I DO UPLOAD--- which is

actually what I had referred to and was remiss in not

stating for clarity.... I re-order my own

purchased music uploaded and re-ordered/re-burned (I call it my

NASA-brat 'after-burner' lol) and LOVE my "outdoorsman' cut, and

my 'prosaic love Ballad' burn etc


WITH Yuri -
as to the

and the experience lost... .





perhaps.... but I still enjoy my 'own

custom compilations' very much -
but I

admit, trying to B w/o bias - I have not done so

(burned a CD vs. on-hard-drive

)with my only 'downloaded' playlist ONTO CD.

Interesting, and even more so

the point well made by Yuri....

*2 - yes that

'continuity' - presumably as Gord intended -(

producers/adders of back-up singers such as

on 'High and Dry' not withstanding
) is a thing

that , while humorous as I tried to express it, is actually

troubling... as was stated by one or more thers...

*3 akin to

equatorial shift as I first tried to quip, then added as to

closer to the real impact it has....of something wrong... albeit

histrionically exaggerated as 'Pole Shift' - it feels like

lol.... and the Great Book 'The HAB

I referred to on just that - fiction

based on science factoids eg Michael Crichton

et al...

==========END PART 1 OF 2 NEXT POST 2 OF 2
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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