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Old 10-03-2011, 10:09 PM   #1
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Default The Unintended

A while ago I was wondering if anyone had covered "Rosanna", one of Gord's early gems. My search turned up an odd group called The Unintended. Despite being a Canadian "supergroup" (members from other bands like Blue Rodeo), they're pretty obscure, and the fact that some of their work exists only on vinyl doesn't help. But what's interesting is that they're clearly big Lightfoot fans. They do a lot of covers, and yep, their name really is a reference to "Go-Go Round".

You can hear five of their songs for free at their Myspace page. Two are Lightfoot covers: "Rosanna" and "The Way I Feel". Personally, I find them a bit too overproduced and emo-sounding (it's less jarring on their original songs), but I'm glad to see someone carrying the torch for Gord.

Pity it's hard to find any more of their stuff online. I'm particularly curious about their version of "Walls", which is on a vinyl-only album where they do four Lightfoot songs and the Constantines do four Neil Young songs.
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Old 10-13-2011, 06:52 PM   #2
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Default Re: The Unintended

This is a wonderful find and thank you Zeke.

This group covers those Lightfoot songs in a way that takes one completely out of the day and introduces you to a totally new and different one.

"Rosanna" is another Lightfoot song that I became hooked on and still am, and being the rarity that it is, when I heard this version it took me back to those early years when I would sit religiously with the Gordon Lightfoot songbook and my guitar and spend endless hours just going over and over it till finally light started shining through and the licks began to fall into place.

It's a classic composition with the day beginning and Rosanna making it all happen and his love for her shines though in each verse throughout the song till the shadows lick the walls at night.

Rosanna rules his heart and mine too!

Keep them coming guys.

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Old 10-13-2011, 11:00 PM   #3
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Default Re: The Unintended

ron, I hope you give your rendition a go next time we hook up, a tough vocal!

their studio version didn't grab me, pretty polished... i'd prefer Rosanna live

here's Redwood Hill live

we had a thread or two (a few years back it seems when they were happening, 2004/2006?) chatting about this band of 'brothers' ... more or less a fun, pet project for the gang Keelor and those young Goods get up to some good fun
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Old 10-13-2011, 11:05 PM   #4
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Default Re: The Unintended

Ron, Brian, John & several others keep the Gord torch well lit (ie. eternal flame)
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Old 10-15-2011, 04:07 PM   #5
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Default Re: The Unintended

Hey JJ,

Call us "the Bangles." You are a very kind man. Wonderful stuff though.

The Goods did an amazing version of "Redwood Hill" at the last Hugh's Room tribute concert. If I recall Red Shea's daughter was present at one of those concerts as well.

Next one coming up in January 2012 is generating excitement.

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Old 11-10-2011, 05:57 PM   #6
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Default Re: The Unintended

Well there's also a cover of Rosanna by, ahem, me. If you googled the album title Leftfoot Lightfoot it would get you to CDBaby where you can catch a clip.
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