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Old 09-20-2009, 08:55 AM   #1
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Default geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Hi friends. I've missed all of you [well, mostly ;~) ] and just wanted to say howdy. Or, howDEE .

I am close to buying a replacement computer, and wonder if any of you have a recc. about the new mini 'netbooks' . The $200 and up dealy bobbers. Dell's start climbing up to $600 real quick, w/o a disc drive it appears, and wondered if you have any thoughts.

My goal is to get a ultra minimalist light portable cheap job to surf , almost JUST that, but no cd/dvd player ? hmmm. Then, I want to buy a desktop regular PC in the lower mid range, like CPU and flat monitor no screamer, just enough inards to let me pull up full screen youtubes and CBS old shows etc., and mix my own CD's etc, and have sufficent ram, clock speed, throughput, l2 cache, and any fsBUS mem I am forgetting about that greatly effect performance.

I want to pull up a saved home page of 8 tabs in vista, I like that about vista, but wonder if any of you have had bad experiences with vista and reccomend 'old' XP pro or home instead.

I have deliberately chosen to not discuss my downtime reasons that transcend downed hardware, as in health chronic and new acute issues outside of the context of my recent stay in la 'opital. I DO have some other major issues that arose, needed quite awhile to reflect on them.

I want to be careful not to imply that detailed explanations of health concerns and trauma/ongoing significant issues are distasteful to post at all. Quite the opposite. Those of you who have threads on ongoing care, such as fezo-steve, are very interesting, and I read them fairly regular when I am on a borrowed PC, as I am right now. I think that threads of that nature are very important, as we all care about one another w/o question.

At present, outside of this "I have not fallen off the earth post" - I just don't wish to write of my health issues; I spect that'll change. A time and place for everything, right ? For now I am quite satisfied to read of other's plights, and find it healthy to periodically do this w/o any me-too'isms. I know those such as fezo are not fragile enough and are not Machiavellian as well, such that another similar thread would not 'steal there thunder'. You guys are not given to that. Admirable, indeed.

Rather, I've been told by many they do not mind at all hearing of my medical, which is very ..significant right now, but this time around I am benefiting from reflection and drawing strength from reading of those of you going through difficult or frightening medical.

Pam and Fezo, and others (Yuri, et al) who are going through/gone through major medical by how they approach theirs - when they do- are most tasteful, and full of healthy-sounding humour. I am trying to re-orient myself such that I no longer pepper medical comments about myself , say in the midst of my lyrics game thread. It seems that route - for me - is in poor taste, distracting from the game thread at a minimum; not at all for others who may do that, because we all care about one another.

I am only more confortable with quietude for now ;~) , but will no doubt open a thread ala Fezo-steve's at some point.

I will mention a real surprise I had 2 weeks ago. In the midst of new chronic and acute diagnoses I've not written of, and for now chose not to, I had a heart attack. Weird - I did not know I had one, but my daughter came over to see me, and said 'Dad, you look like hell...' and called my doctor, as my arm was numb upclose to the elbow down to my fingertips. He said get me to the E/R fast, and there they diagnosed heart attack, and I'm like "what ?". Then, after admitting me, they poked, prodded, drew blood, ekg'd, CT scanned, x-rayed, and every test I believe I have heard of'

They then added to their pronouncement congestive heart failure, and substantive aspiration pneumonia. - That is an ongoing risk what with the nature of seizures I get, where I can have food in my mouth, liquids... zone out, and glug glug inhale organic material right into my lungs. It was a great comfort to me that that type of pneumonia is the second most deadly form of 32 described in a list of types.....NOT. Oh well. They then told me I broke a rib from coughing too hard. So, breathing exercises are just

SO, I was sent home after two weeks, requiring 4 litres flow of liquid oxygen (nifty little arm sling jobs - beat the hell out of the golf cart types I always have rollover accidents with. There are two huge kegs of liq. ox in my bedroom now, and I am ordered to use a walker. Defiant, I bought a platform cane that looks like someone speared a bug with a sharp cane lol.

So, I felt it important to just at least say hello, and give part of the reasons why I've been absentia for so long.

I big hello to all my friends, and best wishes to all of you. If I get a desktop PC, or laptop soon, as I plan, I'll fire up Lyrics Quizzers !!

I'll PM and what not here and there and catch up with those of you who have expressed interest, and thought leaving everyone for now with something OTHER than a sense of total abandonment was in order. I think of you guys alot, and look forward to being an active member again as circumstances permit.

Take care you guys, keep fighting the good fight, and keep the corfid dream alive, I admire the hard working frequent posters and informative ppl, as well as the misc posts of interest.

Later youse guyz.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-20-2009, 09:34 AM   #2
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Good to hear you're still with us Steve. Yes, health is a tune that plays out far to quickly and is difficult to recall once the notes begin to fade.

As for me, I've finally returned to work and a decent paycheck after my prolonged absence. We'll see how that goes.

"The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, & wills" -Richard Needham

Take care,
("the river is the melody, the sky is the refrain")
Canoeing -
Luthery -
Bugs! -
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Old 09-20-2009, 11:20 AM   #3
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

hi steve!
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Old 09-21-2009, 05:43 AM   #4
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Good to hear (read?) from you Steve. Hang in there.

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Old 09-21-2009, 11:53 AM   #5
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Good thing Mamie got there when she did.
It's always good to hear from you.
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Old 09-21-2009, 03:23 PM   #6
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Steve, i sm so sorry to hear (read) about your health issues. Please let's hear from you as you feel able to write. Miss the lyrics quizzes.
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Old 09-21-2009, 03:54 PM   #7
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Originally Posted by Yuri View Post
Good to hear you're still with us Steve. Yes, health is a tune that plays out far to quickly and is difficult to recall once the notes begin to fade.

As for me, I've finally returned to work and a decent paycheck after my prolonged absence. We'll see how that goes.

"The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, & wills" -Richard Needham

Take care,
yipppppppppeeeeeeeee Yuri
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Old 09-21-2009, 03:59 PM   #8
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

hi Steve!!! and WOW!! A heart attack OMG and CHF, cracked rib, pnemonia OMG...I hope and pray for you to recover and feel better soon!!! Take care!

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Old 09-21-2009, 04:40 PM   #9
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Thanks for the enthusiastic response Pam. A very long haul and it ain't over yet.
Us Lightheads is agin' and we're finding out how mortal we all are....

Hope all is well with you...
("the river is the melody, the sky is the refrain")
Canoeing -
Luthery -
Bugs! -
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Old 09-21-2009, 05:22 PM   #10
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

that's great news Yuri! you've been thru a lot, like Steve, but it's wonderful how you both fight back.
keep on fightin..
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Old 09-21-2009, 06:36 PM   #11
Jesse Joe
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Hang in there Geo Steve & Yuri.

All the best to both of you !!
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Old 09-21-2009, 06:49 PM   #12
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Originally Posted by Yuri View Post
Thanks for the enthusiastic response Pam. A very long haul and it ain't over yet.
Us Lightheads is agin' and we're finding out how mortal we all are....

Hope all is well with you...
I know you're still struggling and face challenges everyday...but to be able to work again at any capacity after what you've been through is quite an accomplishment!

Myself - am doing quite fine !
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Old 09-21-2009, 07:24 PM   #13
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Hey, Steve,

Good to see you post here even if it involves heart attack (!).

That has to be up there with my close to 8 years ago experience when they said stroke (stroke!). Actually it turned out to be a series of TIAs. Didn't know the difference between the two until after the fact.

Keep strong. Deciding to be ornery and live has a lot to do with the ability to do so.

Not to steal your topic but I'll tell you they are going to put a thing called a portacath in me. This is a catheter hooked into a big vein with an access point just below my right collarbone. This will let them get blood and deliver medication and blood without having to attack my poor overworked veins. I don't like the idea of something permanent in there and it'll be the first time I've ever been cut open (just a little - same day surgery) but it's for the better. I go see the surgeon on Wednesday.

See? Now you can make your own health comments in my topic because I did so in yours.... Pam of course is an equal opportunity poster.....
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Old 09-22-2009, 05:40 AM   #14
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

you guys really have exemplary attitudes, well wishes to all
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:47 AM   #15
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Hey Geo Steve. Sorry to hear about your recent health problems. Take care of yourself and thanks for checking in.

I miss the quizzers too!
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Old 09-22-2009, 12:12 PM   #16
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Originally Posted by fezo View Post
Hey, Steve,

Good to see you post here even if it involves heart attack (!).

That has to be up there with my close to 8 years ago experience when they said stroke (stroke!). Actually it turned out to be a series of TIAs. Didn't know the difference between the two until after the fact.

Keep strong. Deciding to be ornery and live has a lot to do with the ability to do so.

Not to steal your topic but I'll tell you they are going to put a thing called a portacath in me. This is a catheter hooked into a big vein with an access point just below my right collarbone. This will let them get blood and deliver medication and blood without having to attack my poor overworked veins. I don't like the idea of something permanent in there and it'll be the first time I've ever been cut open (just a little - same day surgery) but it's for the better. I go see the surgeon on Wednesday.

See? Now you can make your own health comments in my topic because I did so in yours.... Pam of course is an equal opportunity poster.....

I'm being "quiet" -feeling so good (knock on wood!) and don't want to jinx that !

Sorry to know that you require the port! That bites -though I know that it'll be the best and work out for you so you're not having to get needles all the time. Hope it goes well!
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Old 09-22-2009, 03:57 PM   #17
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Oh, it should be fine - the proverbial piece of cake. Anyone who has one speaks highly of it.

Of course it's still no fun contemplating them cutting my perfectly fine skin...
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Old 09-22-2009, 11:45 PM   #18
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
Hi friends. I've missed all of you [well, mostly ;~) ] and just wanted to say howdy. Or, howDEE .


Later youse guyz.
Funny geo. & howDEE .
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:49 PM   #19
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Default Re: geodeticman.5 'geo-steve' says hello.....

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
I am close to buying a replacement computer, and wonder if any of you have a recc. about the new mini 'netbooks' . The $200 and up dealy bobbers. Dell's start climbing up to $600 real quick, w/o a disc drive it appears, and wondered if you have any thoughts.

My goal is to get a ultra minimalist light portable cheap job to surf , almost JUST that, but no cd/dvd player ? hmmm. Then, I want to buy a desktop regular PC in the lower mid range, like CPU and flat monitor no screamer, just enough inards to let me pull up full screen youtubes and CBS old shows etc., and mix my own CD's etc, and have sufficent ram, clock speed, throughput, l2 cache, and any fsBUS mem I am forgetting about that greatly effect performance.
Hi Steve
I thought of you yesterday when outside one of our local supermarkets I spied a red security van

I thiugh of you again just now when I read an email from one of my favoUrite suppliers
Tiger Direct of Florida with 72 hour offer on a netbook for only $219

details at

I had recently determined to buy a new small PC and the small size and lowish prices of netbooks was I felt very appealing.However I plumped for a very good buy on a used Acer Ferrari

but that of course is a full sized 15 inch screen notebook, (I had been looking at the Acer One 10inch netbook)
I discovered that Acer have not had a Ferrari styled model on sale for some time then out of the blue they announced recently new Acer Ferrari One with larger (11.6 inch) screen wiil be on sale on October 22 with the new Windows 7 ( which is on sale the very same day for US$499)

and then quickly followed up with the
Acer Ferrari Racing Pocket PC

complete with GPS (Geosteve Poser System?!?)
there is a bewildering choice now ranging from ipods with video, iphones
blackberries,smartphones netbooks etc
the smaller the gadget the more occasions you could take it with you
food for thought!!v
"Sir" John Fowles Bt
Honorary Curator Bootleg Museum

(where Sir does not signify that I am a fully benighted Knight just a Bt which signifies a humble Baronet -?? read the wiki!)
I meant no one no harm
Once inside we found a curious moonbeam
Doing dances on the floor

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