02-16-2009, 04:43 PM
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Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Bottom line opener for the thread: you can skip the rest of my longer writing just after this, and post something on your mind amongst friends - Lightheads, talk about anything, friendly, good taste, and enjoyment of company to share thoughts with. - 'geo'-steve
More on the same, or skip it if you want:
Hey guys. I caught myself enjoying so much writing of, and listening to nostalgic memories, old pictures, unlocked drawers in desks found 6 years later, hearing of green boxes with the key found elsewhere , and everyone comparing what they found in their grandfather's or father's desks ! Thats just for starters !
My main motivation is I started occupying so much of the space in lyrics quizzers, we couldn't see the game entries for the long replies from me ! - From the modest posts from others.
Please join me in posting absolutely whatever is on your mind. Quite often one given thought - such as "I found a War Medal my father never spoke of", or- I am having such a &^%&*(* Day I don't know but what I am going to burst ! LOL , or I was real down, until I logged in, and somebody had posted a PM to me, it gave me the lifted spirits to continue my work...... Things like those , and anything that strikes you as worth sharing with others.
I really like the idea of a thread where metaphorically you can picture going into a coffee shop, or what have you, sit down, and share interesting stories that may not quite warrant a thread, but fit just right in here no matter how short they may be, or how much 'bending an ear you need to get through a rough spot in the week, or day, and chat about whatever strikes you.
All things are open for discussion in here, including inspiring quotes, or stories.
All I ask is that we follow the normal stds. of decency and good taste that is normally expected of us elsewhere in all of Corfid, and envision Florian, Char, and yes, The Man - Gordo, sitting on our shoulders and listening, too.
Otherwise stated - if we follow the golden rule in here, and we share such great storied that started unfolding in Lyrics quizzers, where we left off - lets continue ! Even poking your head in and typing - 'Hi guys - you have a good day !' - seems like a very flexible environment to do so in.
I look forward to exchanging thoughts, and just listening sometimes, if thats what you need......
We can, but don't need to talk about Gordon, I can see some rambling thoughts unfolding about his music as a subject, but by no means a pre-requisite. The only prerequisite is wanting to talk, to listen, or do both, and help foster a warm friendly place to sit in the deep leather recliners in here by the fire, (work with me here and just picture it lol ) and share.
Think of it as a 'Holodeck' - if you know what that is - and walking into a little bagels and coffee place, and finding a sympathetic ear, or being one. If thats not enjoyable, I don't know what is. Also lately, the talk ran high as Gord would say in Lyrics Quizzers, which I am trying to transport to here, on musteries of putting together family notalgia found in center desk drawers and little boxes. I *really* look fwd to talking about that, and anything that strikes you.
We could even (maybe) democratically consider saying - I (geo-steve) just came in as of 1:30 pm. and am hanging out for maybe 15 minutes, so others can refresh their screens, and know I or anyone else is in here. Is it a good idea ? Yes/No/Maybe lol ? - Tak to you later. Or listen
Your thoughts on what this thread could be should be are welcome too !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Well......let me be your first customer...(I assume a prize is merited).
What's the house specialty ?
02-16-2009, 06:51 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
I'll have a Tim's double double please..
02-16-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by charlene
I'll have a Tim's double double please.. 
If Tim's the boy that makes those donuts up in your neck of the woods I'll take two too !
02-16-2009, 11:19 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by RM
Well......let me be your first customer...(I assume a prize is merited).
What's the house specialty ?
as a matter of fact - you DO win a door prize - RALPHE bring it dat old door frame we busted out in da remodel e ? We gots are foist patsy -uyh I mean customer, welcom soy how iz ya ?
I opened at an odd hour my first day. I don't even have the foist dollar from you'se guys yet to have the chambre a horrors put it in da frame, ya know waddeye mean ? e ? lol
OK this I think is only to work , now that I actually thought of it intelligently (stop laughing Char) if two or more of us are in here simultaneously; OR one person leaves a post like , well, duh like you guys did lol....OK....er....
Madaam, The Housse Spesiality isss Pigs Ears. Fried to a crackly crunch. Dogs love em, but danged if we can't get a humannn in hya. No, actually the house specialty is a club sandwich, served by the fireplace in the club chirs at a reversible poker table. E're you go lady - ejoys it ewhile de meat and cheaze are still goid.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-16-2009 at 11:23 PM.
02-16-2009, 11:28 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by charlene
I'll have a Tim's double double please.. 
RALPHE The nice lady in the green dress wants to get SNNOCKERED - er.. I mean she wants a double - a waddever eze havvin e ? How are ya der toots ? I mean mydamn, er I mean mam ma'am whadever -how iz ya fancy lady ? We get lots a dem in here. know aa aaa... wad I mean ? lol
Truth be told - I tried posting a welcome from lyrics into here - couple of people were eliciting long posts from me on old things found, estate items, old glasses, pocket knives, pocket watches, etc, I just gotta get them in here too. You guys have anything you to uhm..unload , ya know like metalwize ?
All we need is two people in here simutaneously. hmmmm
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by BILLW
If Tim's the boy that makes those donuts up in your neck of the woods I'll take two too !
Donuts - er...uhhh... dat'll bring the fuz er I mean dat''l bring fine uniformed people in here....we get alittle nervous. Ear is a chocolate covered fine donut- only partially eaten er.. we are waiting for out first shipment in the back of the fenc/er I mean the fine foods. Is anybody in here ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 11:35 PM
Join Date: May 2000
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Tim Hortons is a doughnut/coffee place..(Tim was a hockey player)
A double double is a regular coffee with double cream/double sugar..
and i always have a double chocolate doughnut..
02-16-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
I'll have a club sandwich - which seems to be the house specialty, and enjoy whomever wished to talk - er I can't talk fancy all the time I know I'll be myself. Sorry.. lol
Yea I 'spect I could use a double double too Char ! of that 20 yr old...sniff fine....sniff....old single malt.....-he emotionally opens the ceremonial opening day of a Rare Glen livet - er Glen Cambell - of the Cambell clan finest distillery.lol NAAW here's a double lime gimlet with GIN - give ya a doozy of a hangover thoughy - those 'flavorings... man those'll kill ya in the morning,
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by charlene
Tim Hortons is a doughnut/coffee place..(Tim was a hockey player)
A double double is a regular coffee with double cream/double sugar..
and i always have a double chocolate doughnut..
ohhh that Tim - yeah you canucks talk abou tim Horton's all the time- how are you Char - really ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 11:40 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
oh the fancy double decaf no lip x creme talk huh ? sumpin like that - I heard it last in that movie where MelGibson can hear what women are thinking'
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 11:44 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Char - how'd you log out within 3 minures of your post ? lol.... B4 I could reply
anyways how are ya - next time you go thru that revolving door.... that coffee sounds good enough to try - I've never been a coffee drinker.. diet lime pepsi is my worst vice.... and sweets I admit...
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-16-2009, 11:48 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by BILLW
If Tim's the boy that makes those donuts up in your neck of the woods I'll take two too !
Hey Bill - how'd you know about canuck Tim Horton's - over here in Coleraddy we never even hoid of the guy ? I know who he is now- heard it once partially - then Char filled mein in here. I'll gove a double-double decaf x-whip 3 sugar on a tallboy coffee - and a double-double chocolate donut - am I gettin it yet ?
How are ya REALLY Biil ? SaAY whaydaminett - I got a real life question for you Bill. I'll PM you if I don't bump into y ahear.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-17-2009, 12:36 AM
Join Date: May 2000
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
ya can't get those fancy girly drinks at tims..
gotta go to starbucks or 'second cup' for them.
bill has been up here a few times and it seems found out about Tims.
i'm just fine..off to bed and hopefully some sleep tonight.
be good..
02-17-2009, 12:45 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by charlene
ya can't get those fancy girly drinks at tims..
gotta go to starbucks or 'second cup' for them.
bill has been up here a few times and it seems found out about Tims.
i'm just fine..off to bed and hopefully some sleep tonight.
be good..
Sorry I missed ya - I was on the phone with friends that want to go to a late showing of a movie - and I missed your perfect logged in at the same time moment. Do we have quick real-time 'Hey you' I'M messaging in hear ? Have a good night Char, thanks.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-17-2009, 12:55 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Tim Horton's - A Little Slice of Canada
Tim Horton’s Connoisseur This bird loves his Tim’s
Tim Horton’s Rules of Engagement Air Farce - How to order at Tim’s
Tim’s In Afghanistan But Seriously Folks -Tim Horton’s at Kandahar Base In Afghanistan - For All Troops!
02-17-2009, 01:47 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Hey there guys - all of you who were gracious enough to come into the thread several times, I say - Thank You.
Today. simply put - w/o histrionics on medical or other stuff you'd rather not here, my day got turned completely upside down, simply stated by 'medical issues' - dang it and I wanted to talk near real-time with you good guys today - and others, too - -last few days the short list - by no means comprehensive - Patti & Lynn, Dave, Mende, Char, Ron - in lyrics -and i think formerlyLavender - had a few off-line (lyrics wise) thoughts it seemed, which we could talk about in here.
- I just gotta figure out how to have any of you who tried today - and all my other friends in corfid...could not possibly list 'em all other than the last three LONG responses of mine in lyrics, those fun talks about 'what was in the chest when I opened it - still to talk of yet' -ppl Patti,Lynn, Dave, Ron, ithers - and all ppl who had kindly made some enjoyable non-lyrics/comments in lyrics - I just wish I could get 'em in here too have 'off-line' talk as we called it in gIS - a neighbor to 'I.T.' - down the hall of my old workplace-type-lingo I guess, which is not what I am all about (Gis - the G - is what I am all about work-wise, but not more than part-time talk on-line - too much really - my 'G'is comments lol, it'll happen in good time IF people are of a mind to enoy the same, we'll see. Anyway the overly-long blabberties were not others, it was MY long posts got out of hand for gaming continuity - Ron wisely pointed out, and correct, too - over 1/2 the provocation for opening shop here. - to whom I wrote longish replies over the last several days - I hope to talk in here with you - as well as bumping into in Lyrics more focused (me) on the game, and bring MY 'should-be off-line blabberty-blabberty' in here.
I am starting to talk circular, so I should close shortly here (ha ! SAYS THE PEANUT GALLERY). Thank you all again who tried during the day - if only I could have been on line at the time...awake and in my groove, despite - my showing logged in - not so head-wise lol ( BTW - I OFTEN have -er..for medical reasons- appeance of being on-line logged-in , me-wise-versus my log-in - which I chronically do not have the chance or memory to do-
LOG-OUT's that is,) not possible for -one {more} time I'll say it, then avoid it -for your guy's sake - Seizures - 1/2 hr up to 7 hours lon, as they are quite innocuous - other than being frozen statue stiff, and either falling out my chair if my C.G. is over past my 'center of sitting/standing - then I fall - don't know it till I come to...can be as i said 1/2 hr to several hours - later - and the whole time - I appear to be logged in - cause I could not log out when .... things happen)
Well I wanted to get them/all of you near real-time in here - and I keep... missing... the... mark..... Well call today a bust - life turned upside down - circadian rythm and all - medical things, but want so bad to talk off-line with all of you that posted - I have a real-life question for BILLW - and all of you - plus all my other 'posse' of friends in corfid - lyrics and others - you all today who posted over the last 3-4 days or so on fascinating 'center desk drawer talk' insider-wise to the posts- and maybe 10 -12 others I hope I can really talk in here with. 'Feel-good talk' is what I hope we can all enjoy despite being in a non-chat non IRC 'channel'.
Thanks guys - will talk in here as possible for me and all of you - whenever it comes together...lol..... see you all then/whenever
Anyway- I am open to whatever the nature of ppl coming in are all about.- tal-wise/need-wise and those who were takin too talking in lyrics - and the game was getting obscured by MY long responses, not your posts - so I figured I'll move the enjoyable/nostalgic tomes of mine in hear - and hope the other end of 'em follow - it'll take more than one day to get that going. So if I miss ya the first 4 - 5 times you 4 tried valiantly and patiently today - and I was out like a light til just earlier - then when Char came on around midnight her time - I get cauht on the phone from friends who called - and I miss the first real-tike chance to converse - oh well it'll happen if it shoud - if ppl want to talk as I envisionedin hear - not sure.... - please don't give up..
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-17-2009, 01:43 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5
Hey there guys - all of you who were gracious enough to come into the thread several times, I say - Thank You.
Today. simply put - w/o histrionics on medical or other stuff you'd rather not here, my day got turned completely upside down, simply stated by 'medical issues' - dang it and I wanted to talk near real-time with you good guys today - and others, too - -last few days the short list - by no means comprehensive - Patti & Lynn, Dave, Mende, Char, Ron - in lyrics -and i think formerlyLavender - had a few off-line (lyrics wise) thoughts it seemed, which we could talk about in here.
geo-steve, Patti here, I was very sorry to hear that your day got turned completely upside down by medical issues. I hope you are feeling better today.
Everyone here is sending good thoughts and prayers your way, I'm sure.
02-18-2009, 11:17 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by luv4lightfoot
geo-steve, Patti here, I was very sorry to hear that your day got turned completely upside down by medical issues. I hope you are feeling better today.
Everyone here is sending good thoughts and prayers your way, I'm sure.
Thank you Patti - I try very hard to not let medical this'n-thats preeed me anymore, but your reponse was very very kind, Thank you so much,
Are the same Patti who asked about the trunks contents of my grandfathers ?
You're by-name looks different than 'Patti' who talked in Lyrics, ?
Doin O0K today 2
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-18-2009, 11:18 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
FUNNY videos. Yuri - I now much better what the doulbe-double is about lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-18-2009, 11:20 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
I wanna bigga sphagetta know wad-eye mean ? I am caving 'pasta' tonight. Know what the diference between spaghetti and pasta is ? About 3 buks at a resteraunt, and 1 buk made at home lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-18-2009, 11:54 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Hey Steve,
Guess what I had for dinner tonight???? Spaghetti
You know, your thread about finding old items in desk drawers and trunks made me think of an experience I had a while back.
I was looking up the family history on a website and found my maternal grandmother's information. I had no idea it was there, but a strange twist of fate helped me locate it.
Anyway, my grandmother was an exceptional person in all ways. Very loving and strong...good natured, spiritual...loved the world around her. She was very special.
I always knew that she had come from Kansas and that she had lost her parents at a young age but she never really told me the story.
I found out that she was only five when both of her parents died within a month of each other in an epidemic. I can't remember from what exactly but it also took two of her older siblings.
She was the baby of the family, the other seven children survived the outbreak.
I have to post this much or I will get kicked offline.
"Tiime has been wastin' away...You know time doesn't wait for nobody to find what they're after
It just keeps on rolling down the deep canyons
And through the green meadows
into the broad ocean..."
G. Lightfoot "Tattoo"
02-19-2009, 12:06 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Anyway, the older children decided to stay in Kansas and try and keep the farm going but sent my grandmother, and two of her sisters, back to Indiana to live. They were taken in by relatives and friends of the family.
My grandmother got married fairly young. Her first pregnancy was twins, born with physical problems that resulted in their death. One died at birth, the other seven months later.
Her husband died a year after my mom was born. He was only 44...grandma was in her late thirties. He left a family of four children for her to care for. Their farm was small but apparently adequate to keep them alive.
She never dated or remarried in all those years and she lived to be 87.
Anyway, it was so strange and touching to read all of the details of her life. Some of it I knew in sketchy terms, but most was new information for me.
I don't know why, but I cried for a long time after I read her story. I think I just remember how cheerful and strong she always seemed to be.
Now that I am a woman, I wonder how she got through all of those lonely years without her husband. It must have been hard to raise the kids and not have any support or anyone to lean on.
"Tiime has been wastin' away...You know time doesn't wait for nobody to find what they're after
It just keeps on rolling down the deep canyons
And through the green meadows
into the broad ocean..."
G. Lightfoot "Tattoo"
02-19-2009, 12:10 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Nightingale, your grandmother does indeed sound like a special lady. How cool that you were able to find her information online...sounds like it was meant to be.
I never met either of my grandmothers - I always wondered (especially as a child) what it would be like to have a grandmom around to spoil me, ha ha. My maternal grandmother died before I was born, and my paternal grandmother died when I was about five, but she was in Italy, and I was here, so I never got to meet her.
02-19-2009, 12:12 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
It is kind of interesting to think of how we see our family members when we are young children. I never really thought about her in terms of being lonely or sad. I guess she didn't show it but still, it never occurred to me as a child that she was.
I just thought those thoughts kind of fit in with finding old stuff in drawers and attics.
Maybe we appreciate our ancestors more when we remember their good qualities and realize that we must have inherited some of those within ourselves...at least, we hope.
I like your idea for the cafe. It's a nice thought to be able to post about anything on your mind.
Hope you are feeling okay.
"Tiime has been wastin' away...You know time doesn't wait for nobody to find what they're after
It just keeps on rolling down the deep canyons
And through the green meadows
into the broad ocean..."
G. Lightfoot "Tattoo"
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