Originally posted by closetcanadian:
quote:Originally posted by Cathy:
What's CGI?
Sundreme suspects the picture is a Computer Generated Image. High tech special effects. Hard to tell what's real and what is computer enhanced nowadays... [/QUOTE]Yes John and Erika you may well be correct.In any case I doubt that my first guess was correct as I do not think these pix have anything to do with a Common Gateway Interface.
If you click on the link I gave you will read
"Spectacular Mammatus Clouds over Hastings, Nebraska
These photos were taken by Jorn Olsen, he lives on Heartwell Park in Hastings, Nebraska.
e-mail -
His website is:
http://www.jornolsen.com which you may be interested in looking at.
Three of these photos were featured on the front and back cover of the Journal of Meteorology
and circulated in 26 countries"
My next thought I was unable to confirm because that page is undated, but I seriously considered that the pix may have been to the AFI format(Inventions on the First day of April)
but a google for "Mammatus"
revealed not only an official site
which is a site for a music group who obviouly liked the name and also:-
which refers to
"Chasing Tornadoes · Storm Chaser · Tornado Trackers · Thunderstorms · Tornado Chasers ·
Tornado Video Footage"
and there is a detailed "wiki" entry at:-
so just maybe thunderwoman/someday/changes is reading this and so Mary would you like to comment??
I also noted:-
which per google says in part
"Other unusual clouds - MammatusMammatus - look like cow's udder; visually very impressive;
usually form underneath Cb; visual manifestation of sinking air, not rising air!"
And there is a great pagefull at:-
so there you can also no doubt have a full stormgasm!!!
John Fowles
Truly amazing