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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > SherylKat

Conversation Between SherylKat and Nightingale
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Nightingale
    11-21-2008 03:10 AM
    Hey Sheryl,

    Hope you have a great vacation Think of me back here in the Indiana snow and cold windy days.
    Soak in some sunshine for me, sweetie

    Have a good time,
  2. Nightingale
    10-30-2008 12:50 AM
    Hey Sheryl
    I know, the kitten was a sad happening but I felt like I did what I could for it. It's okay, I deal with it when an animal doesn't make's part of it.
    LOL...sounds like you are getting lots of little gifts.
    I used to have a cat that would bring me baby snakes.

    Have a great day tomorrow. Hope the rest of the week goes well.

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