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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > charlene

Conversation Between charlene and johnfowles
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. charlene
    01-23-2014 06:39 PM
    Hi - I will need an answer in a few days at most - probably Monday. If you need to hold off on ordering from me you can try thru Ticketmaster when you decide. Inconvenient rude and unacceptable may be your thoughts but those dates are what they are and it is not Mr. Fiedler who chose them. You know Gordon well enuf to know that if he didn't want to do those dates they would not be the dates that have been decided. Many of the regular U.S. attendees are coming again this November regardless of the Thanksgiving holiday happening at the same time - it's a choice they made and they are fine with it. I really don't think Gordon will add a 5th show to accommodate what may be only a few hundred out of country fans..
  2. johnfowles
    01-23-2014 12:56 PM

    I will ask Susan to send you something soon.
    As I said before having Massey at US Thanksgiving (Nov 27) is to put it mildly awkward.inconvenient rude and unacceptable for Gord's US fans
    and as we will have a new family member by next November Susan will be even more than usual not wish to miss it,
    In addition although as we did one year and might this year all three fly up early on the Friday it is an expensive proposition
    what would help and make it more worthwhile would be for Brnie to get off the pot and add a Sunday Concert on November 30 too Put it to him nicely do
    Regarding the other problem you had alerted me to I seem to have sorted out the stoopid hacking/infection of my website and it looks like Google has now cleared the dire warnings from search results for my site.
    I am preparing a report for you and Dave from Melbourne and will reply to you and him soon them post an explanation and apology in a thread on the forum
  3. charlene
    01-22-2014 10:58 AM
    john - i have sent susan 2 e-mails in the last few months about massey tix. no answer. are you planning on attending? i need a tally to give to bernie right away. let me know right away if you need tix and how many for each night. there are other sponsors for the shows who want good seats so not sure how many bernie will give us of his great ones so if you want to chance ordering them when they go on sale to the public in a week or so.

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