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Old 05-26-2004, 03:52 PM   #26
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I had the good fortune to meet Gord backstage in Cleveland about 5 years ago and asked him about that song (I also have it on a 45 by Havens & by Spyder Turner-MGM)..Gord said he NEVER RECORDED IT! I asked why and he said he just "never got around to it". I wish I'd asked him how Havens/Turner had heard it if GL didn't record it????? but I neglected to ask that question..Next time I will!
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Old 05-26-2004, 04:44 PM   #27
Auburn Annie
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Havens probably heard it live - it's an early Lightfoot song, one Gord likely sang in the coffeehouses in Toronto and in New York. There was a LOT of cross-pollination in the early 60s among musicians.
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:50 PM   #28
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Annie, I think you're right.......songs were picked up often via coffee house....(off of Gord for a second, but I was at a place just north of NYC, Turning Point, and I was there to see Kenny Rankin...who does some super covers of Gord songs, btw, and I sat down, turned, and behind me was Richie Havens...very good friends with Kenny...Richie was kind enough to ask me to contact his office for a concert series I had, thru his and my friendship with Peter Yarrow, but the concert series concluded without his participation....I'm hoping to resurrect that series, we had some wonderful folks performing)

Back to the song, let's see if, with his health returned, Gord will give us THE version of I can't make it anymore!!!!.....Pass the word to him, those of you who have more direct contact with him
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:50 PM   #29
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Annie, I think you're right.......songs were picked up often via coffee house....(off of Gord for a second, but I was at a place just north of NYC, Turning Point, and I was there to see Kenny Rankin...who does some super covers of Gord songs, btw, and I sat down, turned, and behind me was Richie Havens...very good friends with Kenny...Richie was kind enough to ask me to contact his office for a concert series I had, thru his and my friendship with Peter Yarrow, but the concert series concluded without his participation....I'm hoping to resurrect that series, we had some wonderful folks performing)

Back to the song, let's see if, with his health returned, Gord will give us THE version of I can't make it anymore!!!!.....Pass the word to him, those of you who have more direct contact with him
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Old 06-05-2004, 07:44 AM   #30
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speaking of cross-pollination and richie havens.... I was at a RH show in Denver a few months ago, and he spoke of a young man back in the very early 60's who really liked a song that RH wrote and wondered if RH would sell it to him. That's why you see Bob Dylan's name instead of Haven's name as the author of ... "All Along the Watchtower"
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Old 06-05-2004, 07:44 AM   #31
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speaking of cross-pollination and richie havens.... I was at a RH show in Denver a few months ago, and he spoke of a young man back in the very early 60's who really liked a song that RH wrote and wondered if RH would sell it to him. That's why you see Bob Dylan's name instead of Haven's name as the author of ... "All Along the Watchtower"
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Old 06-05-2004, 02:10 PM   #32
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never heard that, re All Along Watchtower...will ask Richie about that, or Peter Yarrow, very close friend to Richie...interesting...
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Old 06-05-2004, 02:10 PM   #33
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never heard that, re All Along Watchtower...will ask Richie about that, or Peter Yarrow, very close friend to Richie...interesting...
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Old 09-28-2008, 12:08 AM   #34
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Default Lightfoot At Woodstock '69

Gordon Lightfoot At Woodstock ‘69
….well not really. But his unreleased song ‘I Can’t Make It Anymore’ was reverberated across Yasgar’s Farm on the second day of festivities when Richie Havens opened.

Auburn Annie previously posted about this song back in 2002 but no sound/video clips were offered in the thread.

Below is the clip of his Woodstock performance on August 15th, 1969. Richie’s unique style certainly makes it hard to recognize this as Gord’s composition.

Below is the same song performed by Spyder Turner. I believe Spyder’s claim to fame was his contributing some tunes to the ‘Stand By Me’ movie soundtrack. Quite a different interpretation of the same material.

("the river is the melody, the sky is the refrain")
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Old 09-28-2008, 06:44 AM   #35
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Default Re: Lightfoot At Woodstock '69

Hey Yuri,

How are you doing man, this is a great find, The people were lovely in "69" at Yasgur's Farm.(flower people) And to see that turntable playing the 45, listening to music now a days has sure change a lot. Seem so simple back then.

Always did like Richie Havens and his guitar playing... Thanks for posting this mu good man.
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:37 AM   #36
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Default Re: Lightfoot At Woodstock '69

two VERY different takes! wow - I'd have to say I prefer Richie Havens version..only because I can't hear the other version in my head with Lightfoot's voice boppin' along to that beat..
I'll have to show lisa the record player and how it worked and how her old mother listened to music "back in the day"...
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Old 09-28-2008, 11:22 PM   #37
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Default Re: Lightfoot At Woodstock '69

thanks for those...very nice and a lot of interest value. I like both versions and even though they are quite different from one another, they both appeal to me.

I would never guess that Gordon Lightfoot wrote that song.
"Tiime has been wastin' away...You know time doesn't wait for nobody to find what they're after
It just keeps on rolling down the deep canyons
And through the green meadows
into the broad ocean..."

G. Lightfoot "Tattoo"
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Old 04-22-2013, 07:28 PM   #38
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Default Richie Havens has died

Richie Havens has died at 72..

The man who opened the 1969 Woodstock festival, died on Monday morning from a sudden heart attack at his home in New Jersey, according to his publicist. He turned 72 in January.
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Old 04-22-2013, 11:13 PM   #39
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Default Re: Richie Havens has died

Jenney found this great live version of the tune written by Lightfoot for and about Richie. "I Can't Make It Anymore" They both shared Albert Grossman as an agent in the 60's.
I liked his version of Dylan's "Just Like A Woman" too.
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Old 04-23-2013, 09:11 AM   #40
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Old 04-23-2013, 10:56 AM   #41
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Default Re: Richie Havens has died

1978 concert-free download for a limited time:
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Old 04-23-2013, 11:13 AM   #42
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Default Re: Richie Havens has died

Originally Posted by charlene View Post
Jenney found this great live version of the tune written by Lightfoot for and about Richie. "I Can't Make It Anymore" They both shared Albert Grossman as an agent in the 60's. [/url]
sad news.... always loved that open tuning/thumb wrap style

yeah, i remember Annie posting the video 3 or 4 years back... a keeper!
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Old 04-23-2013, 11:35 AM   #43
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Default Richie Havens, Folk Singer Who Riveted Woodstock, Dies at 72


Richie Havens, who marshaled a craggy voice, a percussive guitar and a soulful sensibility to play his way into musical immortality at Woodstock in 1969, improvising the song “Freedom” on the fly, died on Monday at his home in Jersey City. He was 72.

The cause was a heart attack, his agent, Tim Drake, said.

Mr. Havens embodied the spirit of the ’60s — espousing peace and love, hanging out in Greenwich Village and playing gigs from the Isle of Wight to the Fillmore (both East and West) to Carnegie Hall. He surfaced only in the mid-1960s, but before the end of the decade many rock musicians were citing him as an influence. His rendition of “Handsome Johnny” became an anti-Vietnam War anthem.

He moved beyond his ’60s triumphs to record more than two dozen albums, act in movies, champion environmental education and perform in 1993 at the first inauguration of President Bill Clinton. In 2003, the National Music Council gave him its American Eagle Award for his place in the nation’s musical heritage. Kidney surgery forced him to stop touring last year.

For the baby-boomer generation, he will live forever on the stage of the Woodstock festival, which he had the honor to open because the folk-rock band Sweetwater, the scheduled opening act, was stuck in traffic. Mr. Havens and his guitarist and drummer arrived by helicopter. They had been scheduled to go on fifth.

Mr. Havens started with “Minstrel From Gault” a few minutes after 5 p.m. on Aug. 15, 1969. He was originally supposed to play four songs, but other performers were late, so he played on. He later said he thought he had played for two hours and 45 minutes, but two bands followed him before sunset, around 8 p.m., so that was impossible.

But Mr. Havens played 10 songs, including Beatles songs. His impassioned improvisation was pitch perfect for the generation watching him, most of whom saw it later in a documentary on the festival. His clarion encore “Freedom” — made up on the spot and interspersed with the spiritual “Motherless Child” — sounded a powerful if wistful note.

“ ‘Freedom’ came from a totally spontaneous place,” Mr. Havens said.

Richard Pierce Havens was born on Jan. 21, 1941, in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, where he grew up. He was the eldest of nine children. His father made Formica tables for a living and played piano with various bands. His mother worked for a bookbindery.

He began singing with street-corner doo-wop groups when he was about 12. At 14 he joined the McCrea Gospel Singers. He was recruited by a street gang, and he dropped out of high school. He spent the rest of his life educating himself, and was proud of the results.

In his late teens Mr. Havens migrated to Greenwich Village, where he wandered the clubs working as a portrait artist. After a few years he discovered folk music, and he was soon playing several engagements a night at clubs like Why Not? and the Fat Black Pussycat.

His hands were very large, which made it difficult to play the guitar. He developed an unorthodox tuning so he could play chord patterns not possible with conventional tunings. The style was picked up by other folk and blues singers.

“A person looking at him might think he was just flailing about,” the guitarist Barry Oliver said in the magazine Guitar Player. “But the way he flailed about was so musical, and it went perfectly with what he was portraying. He’s a good example of not having to have to be a technically perfect guitarist in order to come across.”

Mr. Havens signed with the influential manager Albert Grossman and got a record deal with the Verve Forecast label. Verve released “Mixed Bag” in 1967, which featured “Handsome Johnny,” which he wrote with the actor Louis Gossett Jr.; “Follow,” which became one of his signature songs; and a cover of Bob Dylan’s “Just Like a Woman.”

In 1971, he released the only single that would put him in the Top 20, a soulful rendition of George Harrison’s “Here Comes the Sun.” His music had a new burst of popularity in the 1980s, and he found success as a jingle writer and performer for Amtrak, Maxwell House Coffee and the cotton industry (“The fabric of our lives”). He acted in a few movies, including “Hearts of Fire” (1987), which starred Bob Dylan.

Mr. Havens devoted considerable energy to educating young people on ecological issues. In the mid-1970s he founded the Northwind Undersea Institute, an oceanographic children’s museum on City Island in the Bronx. He later created the Natural Guard, an environmental organization for children, to use hands-on methods to teach about the environment.

This seriousness of purpose showed in many areas of his life. “I’m not in show business,” he said. “I’m in the communications business.”

Carrie Lombardi, Mr. Havens’s publicist, said his family wanted to keep information about survivors private, but she did say that they include four daughters and many grandchildren. He was married many years ago.

Mr. Havens played many songs written by Mr. Dylan, and he spent three days learning his epic “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.” A man who heard him practicing it stopped him on the stairs as he headed for the dressing room of a nightclub, and told him it was the best he’d ever heard the song sung.

“That’s how I first met Bob Dylan,” Mr. Havens said.

Daniel E. Slotnik contributed reporting.
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Old 04-23-2013, 11:36 AM   #44
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Default Re: Richie Havens, Folk Singer Who Riveted Woodstock, Dies at 72

The Lightfoot song, "I Can't Make it Anymore"
"I'll see you all next Saturday..."
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Old 04-23-2013, 11:42 AM   #45
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Default Re: Richie Havens, Folk Singer Who Riveted Woodstock, Dies at 72

hey, this sad news thread is popping up everywhere...maybe it should be in the Covers section too, lol
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Old 04-24-2013, 07:48 AM   #46
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Default Re: Richie Havens has died

This is sad news. I remember some years ago when Richie lived here in Ct., and he had his sailboat in the same marina in Guilford as I had my boat. He was a very friendly and always smiling man when I saw him. He, and his unforgetable voice will be missed for sure.

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Old 05-07-2013, 11:15 PM   #47
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Default Re: Richie Havens has died

Sorry I'm late in paying tribute.

I can only add that even though I was only 1 when Woodstock happened,I've wacthed that film many,many times since and no question that Richie Havens got things off on the right foot that day.

Amazing to think such a prolific musician (who that day also pretty much became an icon),could only have one song make the top 40. "Here Comes The Sun". Overall,I know that's not necessarily important but it could have at least been one of his own songs.

"Handsome Johnny" (if not for radio censors) sure sounds like it could have been a number one record to me (both live and studio versions). As for " I Can't Make It Anymore",not only did Havens cover it but so did Spyder Turner. (Turner had it on a 45rpm,Havens didn't.

I last saw Havens on PBS about 1 year & 1/2 ago,singing a very sad song called •
THE GREAT MANDALA (THE WHEEL OF LIFE) . Practically made me cry.

RIP Richie Havens.
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Old 07-08-2014, 09:57 PM   #48
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Default Re: sung by Richie Havens

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Old 07-08-2014, 09:59 PM   #49
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Old 07-18-2014, 06:03 PM   #50
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Default Re: Havens cover of GL song - anybody know this?

I believe I posted this here @ CORFID a few years ago... here's the Woodstock performance which you can find @ YouTube:

When I first watched this I was touched by Richie Haven's performance & the fact that it was written & composed by Gordon Lightfoot.
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