u r too funny Patti!
I have no clue, no plans to attend a concert

grrrrr. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a tour in New England. I would love to catch an early Spring concert though before heading back to work, my son's graduation and moving. Thus far I've only half-heartedly checked out a couple that I may consider traveling out of State for. Tulsa isn't among those. A cousin and a friend who I went to concerts with last year have let me know they'd like to go again...plus another out-of Stater friend and one here who would like to. So far there aren't any dates near enough to any of us. Though some of the NY concerts are not too far away, it's still a lot of driving for one day yet too close that I know I'd push it to drive home and be in my own bed (plus I'm too much of a cheapo

if I know I could do the haul).
Just too much going on right now to take the time to try to plan anything that's on the tour schedule so far -but it's been great to see several here who have plans. And of course I am looking forward to the after-show posts

. Have a great time at the Tulsa show RW!!!!