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SherylKat SherylKat is offline

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  1. thanksforthemusic
    05-21-2009 10:00 PM
    Dear SherylKat, Hello. This Kevin in response to your query was it "me" in Richmond, Va. -No. I last saw Gordon at The Schubert Theater in New Haven, CT. on March 9th, 2000. Best Wishes
  2. SherylKat
    05-18-2009 01:41 PM
    Hi, Pam! So sorry to hear about the back. I have chronic intermittent back pain so I can really sypathize. You hid it well!

    Kevin e-mailed me but when I hit return send, it said his is not valid. Do you know which Kevin he is on corfid, or can you give me a valid e-mail, OR tell him to e-mjail me? I'd sure appreciate it. My e-mail is

    Loved it thatyour parents wouldn't letyou go! I had same problem when I was a teenager living in Illinois - got tickets for Beatles in Indianpolis but parents would n't take me. I stood in my backyard when the concert was going on, as if I could hear it if I looked east, toward Indianapolis. Got to see them twice in Chicago the next year, though! (And I remember staring out the hotel room window thinking, "Is that all there is?" Even then I wanted to get backstage! I'm sure a psychiatrist could make a mounmtain out of that.

    Richmond seems llike a great dream now. Can't believe I got to talk to Terry that long. I thought later, "Why didn't you ask him this, or ask him that?" I'll have to tell you more about it in a more private e-mail perhaps?

    Your cousin was a DOLL! So kind to let me use her umbrella.

    I sure hope we can meet up again. I won't be going to Massey November, but I'm sure we'll run into each other again at a Lightfoot concert.
  3. podunklander
    05-18-2009 01:27 PM
    Compare him to Barry Manilow??? That is just hurt my eyes to read that! Set those people straight out there!!! Your NYC plans sound exciting!!! Have fun!! And what summer courses are you taking? My cousin enjoyed meeting/chatting with you . It meant soooo much to get to go with her to this concert! It was soooo long ago that she saw GL and the band perform (1976?) So this was very special for us to get to go together since we would have back then, but my parents wouldn't let me!! When I would glance over at my cousin during the concert..she was entralled and enjoyed it very much. Me too!!! Though I struggled a little at times through back pain I had for a week by then (and found out last week that it's sprained...much better now!!) it really didn't bother me much during the concert..but standing around outside after was excrutiating, to say the least. A challenge to stand in one place when talking to folks and I probably looked like a Mexican jumping bean out there hehe as I tried to keep in motion to help take my mind off the pain. But glad I got to stay still long enough to chat with you!! I just had to get back to the car ASAP to get to sit and to a store for a bottle of water so I could take something for the pain!! If not for that -I thought it would have been fun to hang out a little longer and get to chat with you and others!!! Perhaps some other time!!! Pam
  4. podunklander
    05-11-2009 07:13 PM
    hi!!! Nice to have met you too!! Looking forward to your pics. Did you see the ones I posted????? Hope your flight home was ok!!! LMAO glad you got to see Jeff-fa-fa!!! hehe and My cousins are all HUGE fans too and we're all psyched that's he's coming to Connecticut this summer!!! We're all going and we're just talking about it yesterday . One of my cousins is paying for all our tickets and reminding her that they go on sale in 2 weeks. She assures us that she wrote it (in pen) on her calendar!! I'll still be calling her an hour or two before they go on sale anyway!!! btw, Walter is my fav puppet because I have 2 elderly friends named Walter and there are some similarities hehe.
  5. Nightingale
    11-21-2008 03:10 AM
    Hey Sheryl,

    Hope you have a great vacation Think of me back here in the Indiana snow and cold windy days.
    Soak in some sunshine for me, sweetie

    Have a good time,
  6. geodeticman.5
    11-01-2008 03:14 AM
    LOL SheryKat - Yea, I gotta admit - how COULD ANYBODY NOT THINK ITS THE BEST ? (Sundown LP) lol..... pretty quiet tonight.... usually jj or Joveski is on late...that about it... I have a bad habit of not checking things like that which would make it more fun. Check out my new thread "You Know You Are a Serious Lightfoot Fan if.." - please add one if you are of a mind to, and help me kick it off ! Thanks !. My thread "tags" are obscuring the thread title, though. hich thread are ypou looking at regarding Sundown ? I started a couple..... :roll eyes: lol
  7. Nightingale
    10-30-2008 12:50 AM
    Hey Sheryl
    I know, the kitten was a sad happening but I felt like I did what I could for it. It's okay, I deal with it when an animal doesn't make's part of it.
    LOL...sounds like you are getting lots of little gifts.
    I used to have a cat that would bring me baby snakes.

    Have a great day tomorrow. Hope the rest of the week goes well.
  8. BILLW
    08-27-2008 07:10 PM
    Hang in there - sometimes it takes quite a few runs at the target. Funny you should use Yoda - the younger gent I work with calls me that - because he thinks I know everything ! As if ?

    Good luck with the job - how can they fire you for an injury ?

    Funny I was just telling my wife tonight that after I stopped drinking I also stopped liking / craving a bunch of different foods. Tonight I realized that I don't care for shrimp any longer - used to love it. The mind is funny.

    We're fine - busy with "back to school". My daughter is a Junior in high school and my wife is a librarian at our Catholic grammar school. So we get it coming and going. I liked it better when school started after Labor Day !

    One day at a time, eh ?

  9. geodeticman.5
    08-23-2008 11:06 PM
    SherylKat - I believe you; I looked, you are right on Arborite (and Char) - this was only a memory of mine from the early '80's when I ordered lumber from mills; at one time the "Arbourite Co." - simply sent us "particle-board", hence my memory... but a given company of course often makes many counter laminate in USA goes by 2 common names - "Formica" (Brand) and High-Pressure Plastic Laminate (HPPL, generically). and Formica, the "norm" for it here, actually manufactures many products, its possible Arbourite Co. is a mill like any other; maybe best known for its HPPL contertops in Canada, eg Formica in USA. Larson, is the 2nd well-known "name" brand like "Formica" here. Will find out (if Arbourite is a mill of many products .. I'm allready convinced you 2 are right as Wikipedia is that AT LEAST, its their premiere name-deriving product for the co... I am just curious..- it would be a good exercise for my fomer line of work lame brain lol.....hey it got me though school..... will check in later on this.... I KNOW ppl in the - ~geo steve ps good song in any event !..I wonder if Arbourite is copyrighted like "Formica" , since Gord is law-conscious- its probably an exhausted limitations thing like "Drywall" WAS a name brand eons ago, now any company can use the name for the generic product of Gypsum board. Something in law about common usage has to be proven as no longer exclusive domain of the copyright holder...this leads to Podunklanders' discussion and myself in Public vs. Eminant Domain - i think in $10 mill house thread of Chars.... well I wont over analyse it, I am only curious now..memories of Lumber days, smell of cut wood, cedar, hardware..ahh smells like victory... lol
  10. SherylKat
    06-20-2008 10:25 PM
    P.S. has a great shot of Red Shea playing "Saturday Clothes" and then the camera wheels back and shows GML looking at him and them both smiling. RIP, RED!

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  • About SherylKat
    Favorite song: 7 Island Suite
  • Signature
    "You don't have to play to win, but then you might!" (I draw to inside straights....)


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  • Last Activity: 10-25-2009 11:46 AM
  • Join Date: 06-20-2008


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