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charlene charlene is offline


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  1. seafarer62
    09-05-2023 01:23 PM
    Hello Char: Touching tribute to Jimmy Buffett. Thanks for the You Tube of Jimmy going to Massey Hall. Bob Dylan is playing Massey Hall two nights in late October. Maybe he will do a Gord song there. Minor glitch: Buffett's birth year is 1946. John in Minnesota
  2. Auburn Annie
    04-04-2016 12:57 AM
    Auburn Annie
    Is this forum still active or is Florian on vacation? No new listings in 10 days? Wassup?
  3. Bill
    01-13-2015 09:41 PM
    Oops! Just saw that you did.
  4. Bill
    01-13-2015 09:40 PM
    Just noticed this, not sure if you posted it on discussion board:
  5. dray7austin
    09-08-2014 01:13 AM
    Dear Charlene. Thank you for your kind words and prayers for my kidney recipient's illness. Its neen tough. But even though I'm mentally strong, it has worn me down quite a bit. Without the love of my wife and Gordon's music, the road would have been harder for me. I know Gordon must know how his music can help people. But I also bet he doesn't know the depths of how far he's traveled into my soul to get me through what I went through as a donor. That's why meeting him briefly this year, not only on my birthday but the 1st anniversary of my mom's passing, he pulled me through my darkest hours. Not only his music but actually meeting him. If I sent him two 4x6 photos of him and my wife and the other of him and I, do you think he would personally autograph them to us? I don't want to tell him about my kidney story and donation because I don't want to use that as a tool to make him feel sorry for me so he'll autograph them. Have a beautiful day ahead my friend. My Regards, David Ray
  6. johnfowles
    01-23-2014 12:56 PM

    I will ask Susan to send you something soon.
    As I said before having Massey at US Thanksgiving (Nov 27) is to put it mildly awkward.inconvenient rude and unacceptable for Gord's US fans
    and as we will have a new family member by next November Susan will be even more than usual not wish to miss it,
    In addition although as we did one year and might this year all three fly up early on the Friday it is an expensive proposition
    what would help and make it more worthwhile would be for Brnie to get off the pot and add a Sunday Concert on November 30 too Put it to him nicely do
    Regarding the other problem you had alerted me to I seem to have sorted out the stoopid hacking/infection of my website and it looks like Google has now cleared the dire warnings from search results for my site.
    I am preparing a report for you and Dave from Melbourne and will reply to you and him soon them post an explanation and apology in a thread on the forum
  7. seafarer62
    08-04-2013 07:57 PM
    Char: I forgot that my personal email is:

    I will send you the set list and review. I don't know what I am doing wrong to get this email message. It had been working the past few weeks when I responded to posts. Seems to be a problem when I try to start a new thread. Thanks, Char. John Wicklund (Seafarer62)
  8. Martyn Miles
    02-28-2013 03:44 AM
    Martyn Miles
    Hi Charlene. Long time since I contacted you. Lots has happened in my life but I'm, like Gordy, moving ever-onward. I picked up the 16 x 9 Interview just now. I JUST HAVE to come back and meet you all for a Massey concert ! May was good in '08 ( in fact, superb ) so I would have to be there in the Canadian Spring. What is up for this year ? I'm out of touch, but I suppose I could check out dates etc. My Wife was threatening to retire from teaching this Easter, but it's been put back to 2014. Gives me a large 'window' this coming year. I haven't been it touch with Paul Bussey. Do you have his email address ? Must go, the English day begins for me... All the best. Martyn . PS 'I wish you good spaces in the far away places you go'. Perhaps that's a prediction for me ?
  9. charlene
    04-15-2009 05:41 PM
    Hi TIm - just back from the Calgary, Edmonton shows..
    I'll write it up tomorrow. Had a lovely time and the shows were awesome.
    There were very few backstage folks - In calgary there 2 on the list (me and Bonnie) and 4 others were added just prior to the show..
    Backstage in edmonton had about 10 people only. gord doesn't spend much time after the shows and it looked like the folks backstage were industry types and friends of the band members.
    Give it a try tho..let me know how it works out..
    You can write or call Anne @
    EMP 1365 Yonge St.#207
    M4T 2P7
  10. Tim
    04-14-2009 09:59 PM

    I will be out in the Washington DC area when Gord is scheduled to play at Wolf Trap which is located in Vienna, VA (a suburb of DC).

    I will be joined by my brother and sister and their spouses, all also longtime Lightfoot fans like myself. I'd like to try to write to Anne at EMP in Toronto about getting backstage passes. I know that avid GL fans have been successful at getting passes sent out from the Toronto Office. Do you know if they are still doing that? If so, do you have the EMP address?

    Thanks much, Char. Hope all is well with you and your family.



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