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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > geodeticman.5

Conversation Between geodeticman.5 and SherylKat
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. SherylKat
    11-01-2008 02:09 PM
    Hi, Geo! Will respond later - head hurts - shouldn't drink Jaeger shots! Sheryl
  2. geodeticman.5
    11-01-2008 03:14 AM
    LOL SheryKat - Yea, I gotta admit - how COULD ANYBODY NOT THINK ITS THE BEST ? (Sundown LP) lol..... pretty quiet tonight.... usually jj or Joveski is on late...that about it... I have a bad habit of not checking things like that which would make it more fun. Check out my new thread "You Know You Are a Serious Lightfoot Fan if.." - please add one if you are of a mind to, and help me kick it off ! Thanks !. My thread "tags" are obscuring the thread title, though. hich thread are ypou looking at regarding Sundown ? I started a couple..... :roll eyes: lol
  3. SherylKat
    11-01-2008 02:58 AM

    It's just you and me at this time of the morning! Thinking of posting a note, how can anybody think the best album is anything but "Sundown"? Incredible songs!

    Enjoy that one hour's extra being in bed, and not feeling guilty!
  4. geodeticman.5
    08-23-2008 11:06 PM
    SherylKat - I believe you; I looked, you are right on Arborite (and Char) - this was only a memory of mine from the early '80's when I ordered lumber from mills; at one time the "Arbourite Co." - simply sent us "particle-board", hence my memory... but a given company of course often makes many counter laminate in USA goes by 2 common names - "Formica" (Brand) and High-Pressure Plastic Laminate (HPPL, generically). and Formica, the "norm" for it here, actually manufactures many products, its possible Arbourite Co. is a mill like any other; maybe best known for its HPPL contertops in Canada, eg Formica in USA. Larson, is the 2nd well-known "name" brand like "Formica" here. Will find out (if Arbourite is a mill of many products .. I'm allready convinced you 2 are right as Wikipedia is that AT LEAST, its their premiere name-deriving product for the co... I am just curious..- it would be a good exercise for my fomer line of work lame brain lol.....hey it got me though school..... will check in later on this.... I KNOW ppl in the - ~geo steve ps good song in any event !..I wonder if Arbourite is copyrighted like "Formica" , since Gord is law-conscious- its probably an exhausted limitations thing like "Drywall" WAS a name brand eons ago, now any company can use the name for the generic product of Gypsum board. Something in law about common usage has to be proven as no longer exclusive domain of the copyright holder...this leads to Podunklanders' discussion and myself in Public vs. Eminant Domain - i think in $10 mill house thread of Chars.... well I wont over analyse it, I am only curious now..memories of Lumber days, smell of cut wood, cedar, hardware..ahh smells like victory... lol
  5. SherylKat
    08-23-2008 02:08 PM
    Hi, thanks for the message! Sorry, things have been popping around here. Will try to get back to you by next week - by the way, the "arborite" thing I asked Char about and she said it was countertop material. I think that's what it said on the mystery continues...


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