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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > Unsettled 1

Conversation Between Unsettled 1 and stationmaster
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Unsettled 1
    06-27-2010 01:55 PM
    Unsettled 1
    That's a little known song, except by Corfidians of course. I hope to do it someday. I'm fighting a bum back/right shoulder now for two months, so I can't even pick up the guitar.
    Keep pickin' those GL tunes.
    Unsettled 1
  2. stationmaster
    06-21-2010 05:23 PM
    Hey Brian, I tried to play along with a few of your videos but you make me sound sick! I will just listen from now on. Would like to see you do a cover of "You'll Still Be Needing Me" I love that song and I bet you do a great job covering it! Lorne

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