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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > SherylKat

Conversation Between SherylKat and BILLW
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. BILLW
    08-27-2008 07:10 PM
    Hang in there - sometimes it takes quite a few runs at the target. Funny you should use Yoda - the younger gent I work with calls me that - because he thinks I know everything ! As if ?

    Good luck with the job - how can they fire you for an injury ?

    Funny I was just telling my wife tonight that after I stopped drinking I also stopped liking / craving a bunch of different foods. Tonight I realized that I don't care for shrimp any longer - used to love it. The mind is funny.

    We're fine - busy with "back to school". My daughter is a Junior in high school and my wife is a librarian at our Catholic grammar school. So we get it coming and going. I liked it better when school started after Labor Day !

    One day at a time, eh ?


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