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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > alex's Profile > Albums

These are photos of my McGlincy.
It was created between 1981 and 1983.
Reputedly, Ed McGlincy made a total of 9.
Mine was made after he had Terry Clements'.
McGlincy 047 600
McGlincy 008 600
McGlincy 049 600
Fron "Waiting For You": Gord & McGlincy
"Dream Street Rose" It is not a Martin.
Stage banter. Gord & McGlincy.
Gord with his McGlincy, on stage.
Gord and his McGlincy
McGlincy 026 600
McGlincy 034 600
McGlincy 038 600
McGlincy 032 600
McGlincy 024 600
McGlincy 017   Copy 600
McGlincy 011 600
McGlincy 039 600x600
McGlincy 027 600x600

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